
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

The end of the summer?

I'm back from the beach. And that poses a bit of a problem.

See, way back in June when I started this blog, I said its mission was to keep you up to date on our summer travels. I even listed the trips out, starting with Minneapolis and ending with Emerald Isle beach.

And now I'm back from the beach.

So, that's it, right? Does that mean the Anticipated Best Summer Ever is over? Do I need to make a determination right now as to whether this actually was the Best Summer Ever? (OMG, so totally) Does it not matter that a mere two days after Labor Day I'm headed to Chicago? Then Nashville a week after that? Then back to Chicago and to Las Vegas before September is complete? Don't you want to hear about those trips, too?

Should I say The Anticipated Best Summer Ever refers to the weather and not dates, since it's still hot in Washington, D.C., in September? Should I start a new blog and risk losing the Luddites who worked so hard just to find and follow this one?

Not a chance.

I am thrilled and ecstatic and honored that so many of you read these posts. Even those of you who don't leave comments, and just lurk through the blog as a reader. That's okay! Thank you for reading, and thank you for caring!

So for you (Really, it has nothing to do with me, or my ego. It's for you.), the blog will continue. And Mr. Webster himself has provided the perfect reason why.

Look it up. "Summer" that is. Of course it's a season. But it's so much more.

Summer is also "any period of growth, development, fulfillment, or perfection."

If that doesn't sum up what the past three months have been for me, I'm not sure what could. I started out this "summer" with the commitment to throw caution to the wind. To be more spontaneous. To say "yes" to opportunities that didn't fit my normal m-o.

This summer's Mo decided it was time to grow, develop, dig deep inside and decide how to be. Who to be.

This summer's Mo found that she really, really liked who she discovered.

And that, my friends, is not over. That "summer" is not book-ended by particular trips. That "summer" doesn't even need the trips to continue. It just needs an open mind, and an open heart.

It just needs a chance to continue to grow and develop.

Because heaven - all all the people there within - knows I haven't reached that perfection part yet.

1 comment:

V. said...

Yay for Mo! I was just thinking the other day if I'm the only one that still calls you that. Mo is your inner-now-outer-kick-ass self!