
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


All the tweets I wish I could be sending during the first trimester...

3/7/11: After barely choking down dry cherios this am, I ate an entire panini for lunch without rushing to the bathroom. Go ahead and try to ruin my day now because IT'S NOT POSSIBLE after this victory.

3/8/11: I think I have to name this baby Giovani, because all I want to eat is pizza, chicken parma, and pasta with marinara sauce.

3/12/11: After not running a 4 mile race, eating two bagels and doing the exhausting errand of driving through the ATM, I took a nap. Then ate nachos. Very productive day.

3/13/11: Items not on grocery list that ended up in cart: mint choco chip ice cream, frozen pizza, cheetos & marshmallow fluff.

3/17/11: Is it too early for an empanada? (It's 9:45 a.m. On St. Patrick's Day.)

3/18/11: Had to unfollow @eatthisnotthat because preggo me eats EVERYTHING they say not to.

3/20/11: Baby's name officially changed from Giovani to Julio. Puked on tomato sauce last week, but have eaten tacos/ nachos/ quesadilla or just corn chips every day since.

3/31/11: 11 weeks today. They say the nauseousness only lasts the first trimester. So only 7 more days, right? RIGHT!?!?!?!

4/4/11 Had to unbutton my jeans at the dinner table. Dang.

4/5/11: Dear Body: It would really, really mean a lot to me if I wear my own clothes just 3 more days, so I could say I didn't need maternity wear the entire first trimester. It's vain, I know. But please.

4/6/11: Wishful thinking, and really bad math. There's still weeks left of this trimester. Dang it. Pass the nachos.