
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Charlie Brown

Saturday was a super-special day.

After hearing so many incredible stories about Kristin's horse, Charlie Brown, we finally got to meet him. I must say, he lived up to the hype.

Mike, Kristin, Robert and I drove out to the barn in Maryland, interrupting Charlie's breakfast and his social hour with the other horses. But he was most gracious in letting us bring him in and groom him, showing off his first trick of the day -- the "I won't move even if I'm not on any kind of lead and everyone walks away unless Kristin tells me to" trick.

Kristin took him into the arena to show us even more tricks, like turning in a circle while crossing his legs, and I kept wanting to shout and clap and cheer, but, you know, horses and loud noises, not so much.

Here's Kristin, in her glory, although also in absolutely awful pictures (see, that's how excited I was):

And the barn didn't just sport horses, but sheep, too! And not just sheep... sheep guarding dogs! I mean, come on, could they get any cuter?


Back in DC, we took part in a whole other part of barning ... or, farming. (Melissa, stop reading.)

Super-jealous of Robert's 1/8th of a cow purchase, all grass-feed and frozen in individual cuts. I mean, yum.

Finished off with dinner with David and Lauren and it was a pretty successful day.


Joe Bondi said...

how does one buy 1/8 of a cow. this seems like something I need to make happen.


Rob said...

There are a couple of farms operating in rural Virginia or Maryland that will sell you part of a cow. I purchased mind from a farm called Lund Angus outside of Lynchburg, VA.