
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

A Big Day

It was a big day in the Fleming family yesterday.

Grandmom had a stroke.

Katheryn celebrated her second birthday in style - on the throne. For the first time.

Terry put his big brother hat back on and called us each individually to make sure we didn't have questions about Grandmom.

Samantha kept her mother up all night throwing up, and wondering why mommy wouldn't cuddle with her in bed.

Feels like it was just a Big Day. Good things, bad things, confusing things, exhausting things. Today was another day. It was kinda another Big Day, but also the day after a Big Day. The day to make plans - to visit Grandmom, to visit Katheryn, to hope to visit Samantha. To figure out what you're doing today, what you're doing tomorrow, what you're doing Thursday. To get up, and to grind away, and to hope you're making a difference at something.

Not as drastic big a difference as Grandmom's improvement in speech, but at something.

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