
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Shameless promotion wrapped into a funny story

I have admittedly not been as diligent about posting up here as I once was. One of the reasons causes is that I head up the social media efforts at work, so while I am blogging and Facebooking and Tweeting an awful lot, half the time it's not personally related.

And while this post is for my work blog, and while it does have some shameless promotion of association membership, the whole experience was pretty funny.

The post is about Mike getting stung by a bee. Well, really, the post is about using an NASE benefit to help with the bee sting. But you all will be more interested in the bee sting than the solution.

Left out of the post were my continuous feelings for three days of, "really? really?". Here's the thing -- I never doubted for a second that he was in a lot of discomfort, that the leg and foot were swollen, that it was giving him the "foot is asleep" sensation, and that all of that was generally consuming him.

The "really?" came in when you stepped back and thought, only my husband would get stung by a bee just walking out of the house and have an allergic reaction to it. How does this stuff happen to him? When was the last time YOU were stung by a bee? Didn't we all learn when we were 10 that if you left them alone, they'd leave you alone?

But I truly believe he was minding his own business and this bee had an ax to grind and *BAM* it just stung him! Then it swelled up and it hurt and it was the one in a thousand case where the site of the sting actually got a skin infection and .... come on, you gotta shake your head.

Lest you think I'm ragging on him here (I'm trying to make clear that I'm not -- poor guy really was in pain, and none of it was his fault), I will give him props for all the activity he did Saturday. When we went to bed Friday night, I wrote his participation in our planned bike ride and 5k off. Thought there was no way he'd do it. But he did!

And that attitude helped the bee sting, too, I think! All the blood flowing helped with the pressure of the swelling and then add in the antibiotics and he was on his way to recovery.

From a bee sting, people.

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