
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Sunday, July 12, 2009


Eeeek! I don't like this habit of only posting once a week! I'll try to get out of it!

This past seven days was an extremely busy one. If you're following me on Twitter or Facebook, you know that I was in Southern California to present a college scholarship for work. (and if you're not following me, well, why not?)

I was actively traveling for 21 hours, and I was in LA for 22 hours, including sleeping. Part of the long travel was that I flew in and out of Dulles (never again. I don't care that it's cheaper. I don't bill by the hour, but I'm positive the extra three - four hours that Dulles adds to a trip is NOT worth my time). I had a direct flight out to LA, but then connected on the way back, and of course had a delay on the last flight.

But even with all that, LA was a blast. I mean, when you arrive with a big check (literally), people tend to be really, really nice to you. We had a lllllllooooooonnnnnnggggg photo shoot with the scholarship recipient and his family. So long that an impromptu block party broke out while we were shooting in the street!

Not much recovery and I was off to tubing on the James River in Southern Virginia yesterday. Went with Kristin of the Sidley vacation club, and a bunch of her friends. There were six of us girls in all. It was a complete blast. A 3 hour drive down, with chatting all the way. Six girls, three coolers filled with yummy food and snacks and drinks (pina colada's anyone? No? How about a white cosmo?), floating lazily down a river for 3 more hours. Kinda takes you out of reality for a bit.

Some clean up and dinner in Charlottesville near UVa. then the long drive home. Not quite as chatty as on the way down, but we hung in there.

I've been scrambling today to get ready for more travel. These next two weeks are crazy ones. Off to Dallas tonight, Eugene, Oregon, tomorrow, then Chicago on Tuesday. I get back home Wednesday night, and fly back out on Sunday to Boston.

I'll try to squeeze some posts in there... !!!


Melissa said...

can't believe i will miss you in Eugene by exactly a week.

when are your work travels going to take you through baltimore? :)

Rob said...

Hey there, Kristin said that she had a fantastic time with you on Saturday. Thanks for taking care of her! :)