
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hot teenage vampires

Lest you think there is a cultural phenomenon out there that I'm not following, it's about time I wrote a Twilight post.

I'm not sure I can compose an original post about an adult female's unnatural obsession with teenage vampire love stories (afterall, I couldn't do it better than this one ). But since even Melissa got into the game with a Twilight post today (and I'm going to make the bet she hasn't even read the books!), I thought it about time for me.

I was introduced to the series earlier this summer (so, yes, a bit late, but still before the movie!) (OMG. OMG, OMG, OMG. I haven't actually watched the trailer until just now when I went looking for that link. Just watch the trailer. Then you'll so totally get it.).

I read (or, more accurately, listened to on CD) the four books in quick succession. I'm actually almost done with the last one. Unbeknownst to me, I gave the disks back to Debbie without copying the last disk! Surely the books couldn't end in the middle of a HUGE standoff between good and evil!?!?!

The story is about a normal teenage girl, Bella, who falls in love with a "vegetarian" vampire, Edward (he doesn't drink human blood, just animal blood). Danger and love and lust and disaster ensue.

Add in that Bella's best friend also happens to be a warewolf (the sworn ememies of vampires, natch) and the fact that he is madly in love with Bella himself, and, well, it's just D.R.A.M.A.

I am uploading the elusive last disk right now to my computer and then ipod. I may or may not get any work done today because I may or may not decide that instead of doing any editing or expense reports or writing, I'm going to close my eyes, turn on the CD and dream about sweet, sensitive and oh-so-manly Edward. (Sigh)

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