
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My pumpkins!

Remember the pumpkins I told you about buying a few weeks ago? It seems I'm not the only one who thinks anything pumpkin - bread, soup, muffins, lattes - are delicious.

So do the squirrels in my neighborhood.

While I was in Dallas last week, one or two squirrels decided to help themselves to a little snack.

This big pumpkin was a bit dense, and they had better luck with these little ones:

The pumpkins are on our front landscaping, directly in the line of view of Goldie when she lays by the door and looks out the window (which is, basically, all day while we're at work). The squirrels had been at it for a few days, including over the weekend, when Mike was home to observe them in action.

How'd he know to look out the window when they were there to see them helping themselves to dinner?

Because Goldie, evidently, as going freakin' nuts.

Barking and jumping and generally salivating at the squirrels oh-so-close, yet oh-so-far away.

Mike proceeds to watch this all weekend. He said it happened a number of times.

He tells me this when I get home on Sunday. As we pull up, the aforementioned squirrel was at it. Don't ask me why he didn't remove the pumpkin so that 1.) our neighbors wouldn't think us trashy for having a half-eaten pumpkin in their landscaping or 2.) to save the dog from a heart attack.

In happier news, I got my glass table-top today! Yippee! There was some confusion with the glass company on getting it ordered (we thought they had our credit card to charge, they didn't, we kept asking them to call our cell phones to schedule the molding and then delivery, they kept leaving messages on our home phone asking if they could come that afternoon...). But, it's here now, and it's gorgeous!

And I voted, blah, blah, blah. No need for political discourse here, I like you all too much.

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