
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The negotiator

Monday night, Mike was the ultimate negotiator.

I had been mentioning that I really wanted to go to Raleigh this year to attend a charity gala with Terry and Sara in April. They go every year, and have invited us for the past few.

It seemed the timing never worked out for us. This year, though, I have a new dress to wear to the gala (see right!). And the dress is hanging in my closet just screaming to be let out again.

I e-mailed Mike on Monday after looking up flights and told him what we were looking at if we flew, or if just I went down, or we could drive.

So Monday night over dinner, Mike says, "Is this something you really want to go to?"

And I said, "yes!"

And he said, "You really want to go? Because it's not my first choice of how to spend a weekend. But if you really want to go, we can go."

(If the italics didn't do it there, he was very much acting like putting on a tux to stand next to THAT ... look at the picture one more time ... was a sacrifice.)

So I said, "Yes!" again.

He says, "Ok, we'll go."

Beat one, beat two, beat three...

"So, I was thinking about buying a share in season tickets to the Capitals next year, what do you think?"

I swear, it was a set-up.


Joe Bondi said...

not 4/17, right?

Maureen said...

4/18! But I thought the ONE other formal event we attend a year was 4/10! just realized it! I'll make it work!

Joe Bondi said...

You best. And you can wear the same dress. No one but me will know.