
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


So I'm not really sure if this counts as a post about work.

It's kind of about work. But not really about the people at work.

Well, yeah, it's about the people at work. But it's not bad things about the people at work.

For example, it's not like I'm writing that I'm really mad because some new woman on our floor keeps peeing on the seat and not wiping it off. In an office building. (And for the record, I am really mad about that, because it's true. But it's not a colleague, so, again, not really about work.)

But, really, this is all about work.

I had planned to write about our new half-bath in the downstairs room. Also about watching the Superbowl over at David and Lauren's. And I need to fill you in on training for the American Odyssey Relay Race.

But as I sit down to update this blog, there's really something else on my mind, and it's work.

I kind of alluded to it last week. We're working on a social media project at work. It's a huge project, because, really, there's no end to social media. You have a Facebook profile, then a group, then friends, then networks... then you jump over to another social network and the process starts over.

We've been talking about doing this for what feels like ages. And talking and talking and planning and coming up with processes, and to-do's and ...

And now we're up. Today. February 3rd. It's, like, we're out there.

People are responding, which is good. Great, even. Fantastic! 61 followers on Twitter in 4 hours. I don't know for sure, but I think that's pretty good!

But there's that possibility that people might say something bad. Or comment in a negative way. We say we're prepared for that, with a plan of action, and a hierarchy of what comments can be dealt with by staff and which ones need to be forwarded up the chain of command.

Still. Someone's gonna say something bad. And that's going to really bother me!

So here I am, it's 10:12 p.m. on a night where I swore I'd be in bed super-early. Mike just walked in the bedroom (where I'm posting) and I shouted out, "61! We're up to 61!"

He responded, "Are you going to bed, or are you going to watch your Twitter followers like the stock market?"

I'm really sorry that I haven't done the posts I have been planning. But, this is what's on my mind, so this is what you get!

(And by the way, if you want to help a girl out! Follow NASEtweets or maureenpetron on Twitter, and join the NASE groups on Facebook and LinkedIn. And, by the way, when the blog is public, I'll ask you to add that to your reader, too! Thanks!)

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