
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

The eyes have it

12 hours from now, and I should be able to see.

My Lasik is tomorrow. After what feels like waiting for forever, and the pink eye incident, the surgery is tomorrow.

I've had a really busy week leading up to it, so for the most part, I've been able to put it out of my mind that someone would be taking a laser to my eyes in the morning.

There was Vegas, and Chicago, and hours upon endless hours of sitting on the runway during these crazy thunderstorms.

(Bonus, though, and a brush with celebrity. If one considers the Washington Post Capital Weather Gang celebrity. And if Mike gets to consider getting on the traffic report celebrity, then I get to count this: Scroll to the post that is time-stamped "Posted at 08:14 PM ET, 06/ 9/2009.")

So now I'm home and ready and really, really tired, but still depending on the help on this glass of wine just to ensure that I actually fall asleep tonight.

It might take two glasses of wine. One for each eye, and all.

(p.s. A pre-emptive "thank you!" to Lauren for taking me to the Tyson's surgery center goodness-awful early and sitting around before the mall is even open to drive me home!)


Rita said...

Good Luck tomorrow.
Love you, Aunt Rita

Rob said...

So can you see yet? Your fan base needs to know.