
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Day in Pictures - the Pre-Christmas Edition

Another semi-cop out post. Okay, fully cop-out post. But I'm still not fully recovered from this cold (I mean, there has been a half-full bottle of red wine sitting on the kitchen counter since Friday, and I haven't felt like drinking it. Someone should probably take me to the ER.) so here is my day in pictures, instead of words.

Butternut squash ready for roasting, for dinner on Christmas Day:

A mountain of meatballs for the sweet-and-sour meatball appetizer on Christmas Eve:

And I do mean a mountain. 114 to be exact:

In going from here:

 ... to a plate to cool, Goldie got one. From that moment forward, she was ON ALERT in case it should happen again:

I swear, she didn't leave this position, or this closeness to the stove, all day:

Some yummy spiced almonds:

And we can't leave out the butternut squash seeds, either: 
For the rest of this evening, I shall scan my Google Reader, and watch bad reality television.


Melissa said...

Um, how about a follow-up post that would include more fantastic photos of Christmas and post-Xmas ... please. :)

Maureen said...

Yes! Yes! It's coming! Many thanks to Kristin for taking photos of dinner, since I took none! And, of course, I need to post about my phone being stolen! Where have the days gone...