
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Goldie Update

After my fabulous lunch with Jenelle yesterday, I realized that I had been lax in the Goldie updates. I didn't want to bore you all, but as she pointed out, you wanted to know. So, skip over this post if you're tired of hearing about the pooch, or read on for the update...

Goldie is doing well. I think.

The steroids are doing exactly what we expected them to, and are masking the symptoms. The tumor has shrunk considerably, she has a great amount of energy, and she's walking around and getting up and down with no problem.

But it is a true masking. When she's settled and calm, you can notice that things aren't quite right. Her heart is always racing, she's over-thirsty, she's panting. She doesn't sleep as much.

Last week she came down with a urinary tract infection, but the upside to her messing in the house was that we saw the blood in the urine and caught the infection early. So she responded to about 3 days worth of antibiotics and is much better now (how can we tell? Because for those 4 days of the UTI, we were up 5 times throughout the night to let her out, and just about once every hour during the day.).

I don't know how long this will last. Friends, if I'm to be honest, the Tuesday and Wednesday before Thanksgiving, I thought we would be putting her down that weekend.

Now, when I tell others that she's sick and she's jumping around and eating and playing, they look at me like I'm nuts.

So who knows.

Oh! And add on top of it all that yesterday morning, she split her tail open, again. I'm not embarrassed to say that when she whacked it against the wall and left blood, I just sat down and started crying.

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