
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Gingerbread, But No Spiced Cider

It's another Monday, and I'm writing yet again that I am sick. What is wrong?!? I am rarely ever sick, and I feel like I have been nothing but this winter! Mike has an interesting theory that since I'm spending more time at home I'm not exposed to outside germs and viruses to build up an immunity, but I'm suspect of that. I get out plenty, and certainly get out to a much wider variety of places than if I were just going from my car to the office to the car to home every day. Blah.

Andy gave me this for my birthday. It made me laugh.

This weekend was gingerbread building at Cork Wine Bar in Logan Circle.  Building gingerbread houses? Wine bar? Hello? Did someone call my name?

Only, they wouldn't serve wine. Not even spiked cider. Does that make sense to anyone?

There were actually way more kids than I expected, because of the locale, although adults vastly outnumbered them. The long cafeteria-style table we were at was all adults, and then a second long table was half kids, half adults.

They tried to make the house building idiot-proof, with these little kits.

Mike and Kristin teamed up, and were quite competitive. As in, hog all the icing, competitive.

My house was an itty-bit crooked, right from the start.

 Kristin decided she'd rather just eat hers.


 Mike and Kristy, very proud. They wouldn't let anyone eat theirs, and insisted on saving it "for show."

 So later, back at Kristy's house, we smashed mine to eat.

And as a complete side note, see these three beggars?

The one on the right is mine. The two on the left are spending Christmas with me. That one in the middle there, Zoey, is a 90 pound Rhodesian Ridgeback. Lucy, on the far left, is a 45 pound mix. This should be interesting...

1 comment:

Rob said...

I like the multi-media post! And those are some impressive houses.