
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Mixed blessings

Today is already turning out to be one of mixed blessings.

I am grateful for the snow today.
Because it showed me that Goldie is still peeing blood, despite me thinking the UTI was cleared up.

I am grateful that my husband can be downright indignant at times.
Because he agreed to call the doggie oncologist and tell him no, we didn't want to test to make sure it was still a UTI and not anything else ($$), and no, we didn't want to come in to see him for a consult ($$), and yes, we realize the cancer may be spreading and how would we know for sure what was going on without tests ($$$), and just friggin' prescribe more antibiotics, please, because I didn't want to.

I am grateful for this latte that I am drinking.
Just because I am.

I am grateful that I bought these boots (only in gray) last week for the trip to NYC.
Because if the two days of walking in the rain in NY didn't justify them, needing to head into downtown today with the slush surely does.

Okay. Those last two were obnoxious, but typing them gave me enough time to sufficiently calm down (and drink enough of the latte) to feel better about the whole blood-in-the-snow thing.

Going downtown today to see Love and Other Drugs. I'm generally not a chick flick movie kind of girl, but I'm trying to live up these last two weeks of downtime (well, downtime, with the holidays thrown in) because I have a few projects lined up to start in January. And since I have yet to sleep in until 10 or drink at noon since my layoff, I figure an afternoon movie is acceptable.

Now I'm going to go order another latte.

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