
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


(Really, March 6)

I hope you all aren't getting mad at me now. I'm not posting because, really, people, what could I possibly post about except the fact that I'm pregnant?

Not only because it's HUGE, but because every fiber of my being is focused on it. The things I'm doing -- laying on the couch, puking -- aren't exactly things I can talk to you all about yet. I had a bit of minor major freakout yesterday morning after the doctor's appointment. Not because of what happened at the appointment per say, but because I started to think about all this stuff that I hadn't been thinking about or planning before... was this the right doctor for me? What about the hospital? Should I change my doctor if I don't like the hospital? How do I know about the hospital before I have a doctor? Should the doctor be downtown or close to home? But if the doctor is downtown, the hospital will be downtown and will that be difficult to get to when it's time?!?! WHAT THE HELL HAVE I BEEN DOING FOR THE PAST TWO WEEK'S THAT I'VE KNOWN I WAS PREGNANT?!?!?!?!

The answer to that, of course, was that the first week I knew I was pregnant I mourned my dog. We took this new piece of mind-blowing information, put it in a box, and buried it in the corner.

Then, the second week I knew I was pregnant, I spent the entire week thinking about -- or trying not to think about -- food. What could I eat, what couldn't I eat, what should I eat, why couldn't I keep what I was eating down, and holy hell, all I want are complex carbohydrates and SALT.

(Oh, one more thought this week: I really wish I could have been tweeting. Yes, they would have all been snarky and sarcastic, but for example, right now -- "So far on today's menu? 3/4 of a box of Cheese Its. That's how I roll.")

Yes, you read that correctly. Cheese Its. Almost an entire box. And it's 2:32 p.m. I'm quite positive I will be done the box before the night is over.

I have also eaten this week: french fries every day, three sleeves of a box of Saltines, Tostitos, Honey Nut Cherios, and a grilled cheese sandwich. Notice anything there? BEIGE. My entire week has been brought to you by the color beige and the number 7 weeks.

It's disgusting to think about. I'm already planning my post-baby-pop-out workouts.

Oh! Good news though, is that I found this:
Ginger Beer. I've been on the look out for it since realizing that Ginger Ale, doesn't really have any ginger. But foreign ginger "beer" (non alcoholic, no worries) does. I had ginger beer for the first time at Vi's wedding, where someone brought Australian ginger beer. This one was at Harris Teeter and is from Jamaica. 26 grams of real ginger root per bottle. And it's fizzy and carbonated, and I can't tell you why fizzy and carbonated are soooo much desired. It just, is.

Thank heavens.

1 comment:

Joe Bondi said...

You've never had one of my dark-and-stormys? Ginger Beer baby! But I know that Jamaica stuff and it is stronnnnng!