
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Friday, April 29, 2011

My first weekend "out"

(April 18)

This was kinda my first weekend "out" about the pregnancy. Well, I guess not totally -- I told my siblings and aunts when I saw them a few weeks ago, and a few friends have known when I've hung out with them.

But this was my first weekend telling a bunch of people I wasn't close with, talking about it openly, and, well, frankly, taking advantage of every bit of sympathy and help I could get.

I was helping a friend on a cool project and it took me out of town. I spent the weekend with people I'd likely never see again, or who under no conceivable way could spread the word of my pregnancy back to work before I could (tomorrow, I hope, I can get some time to break the news. At this point, it's ridiculous.). So I felt no reservations coming clean when at lunch the first day, the three I was with ordered salads -- two of them vegan -- and I ordered stuffed grilled cheese (complete with thick Texas toast, two kinds of cheese, fried onions and avocado) and french fries. Or when, in a hot room, I moved the chair I was sitting in next to an open doorway for more air and someone joked (but not really) that we were going to get busted for breaking firecode and I said flatly, "let me deal with the firemen if they get here. I'm pregnant, I'm hot, and I'm hungry. And I'm not moving" (but I smiled afterwards). Or when I unabashedly just skipped out on planned group activities because I felt like napping instead.

I liked it. It was kind of nice. It was all, "I'm not really going to do something I don't want to do, and I don't care if I'm using this baby as an excuse. I'm using it."

I think I could get used to that part.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Work it! It's a ready excuse for embracing, avoiding or ignoring anything you (in that order) crave, despise or don't want to deal with. That's just awesome.