
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Like there's something else to blog about

(March 15)

Mike called me out for not-posting last night, and I'm sure Joe is about to post up here any day doing the same (that's mighty presumptuous of me.). But what else can I even pretend is going on right now to blog about?

I work, and then I come home and impersonate a zombie.

I don't like the idea of blogging about work, even less so here at this job than at my old one. I tried to figure that reasoning last night, and I think it might come down to this being an agency job -- I have several different clients, and the work we do for them is never promoted as OUR work. We're just the ghost behind the client. So even when I do something really cool or really funny, it's like it's not my story to tell. At least at my old job, there was only one company, I was publicly a part of that company, and anything that I did in the communications realm we wanted to get out there.

Now it just seems like a violation of sorts.

So I work, work, work, then I come home and scrape up the energy to fix myself dinner (to clarify so that doesn't sound like a dig on Mike -- he, unfortunately for him, is left to fend for himself for dinner. What actually sounds appetizing on any given night to eat varies, so I generally end up going to the grocery store on my way home. The settled upon food -- I won't go so far as to say meal -- is always very carb-heavy, so he doesn't join in. He actually asked me this morning on my way out the door what I wanted to eat for dinner and I looked at him like he had three heads. That's 10 hours away! How am I supposed to know!?!).

After eating and washing up from dinner, I sit on the couch like a pro. Occasionally I can put a load of laundry in. But it's generally too much energy to do the laundry and fold the laundry on the same day.

Well, then, hot damn, it's 9:15 p.m. and I'm about to start drooling right there on the couch, so I crawl into bed. The great news there is that I fall asleep like a champ. The bad news is, I also wake up 8 times in the middle of the night like one, too.

Sunday was a particularly great example of my zombie-like behavior. I woke, took a walk (yay, Spring!!! And, quiet frankly, I'm sorry David and Lauren, but I ADORE daylight saving time. You two keep tweeting like it's the devil out to get us, and I have to disagree.), and drove down to Old Town to get myself a Cosi bagel because a Cosi bagel was all I wanted. Not the Dunkin' Donuts I passed, or the two grocery stores, or the Whole Foods, or the Breugers... Just the Cosi.

You can imagine how exhausting all that was, so I needed an hour on the couch. I scraped up the resolve to hit the grocery store, and then, well, that deserved the next 7 hours on the couch. During which time the rest of my nutrition for the day consisted of a half a bag of Cheetos and an ice cream sundae. Yup, that was my dinner.

And since watching two of my all time favorite movies (Legally Blonde AND Ocean's 11!!) took so much attention... it was off to bed at 9 p.m.

This, people, is why I'm not blogging. 


Lauren said...

I always loved DST, too. Suddenly it was light when I left work! Hooray! And I was looking forward to it this year because I was going to attempt to switch Nate's schedule so that he'd no longer wake up at 6 am. Of course, now that it's light so early, he's back to waking at 6. Ugh.

The problem for us was back in the fall when he was already waking at 5:30, which was then going to be FOUR THIRTY IN THE MORNING. You'll miss that problem this fall, since your little guy/gal will be to tiny to have a true wake-up time. But I'll be interested to hear what you think about the time change in the fall of 2012. :-)

Lauren said...

TOO tiny, not "to" tiny. Proofread, Lauren, proofread.

Maureen said...

Haha! I'm sure! And I knew it had to do with Nate's bedtime, and any disruption to that, but it was hysterical -- you and David combined must have tweeted about it 10 times in two days. And meanwhile, all I could think was how grateful I was not to be driving home from work in the dark!