
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


By popular demand... okay, just one comment... the Bacon of the Month club.

Yesterday we received our first shipment. I hate to disappoint you, but it wasn't actually a shipment of bacon. It as our Official Membership Kit.

Inside, we find our official certificate of membership, which informs us that as members of the BoMc, we "join an elite group of bacon lovers from all over the USA."

We also received a tee shirt with "Bacon of the Month Club" written on the pocket, out of which a slab of bacon is emerging. The tee shirt is an XL, natch.

A pig nose came in the kit, along with two toy rubber pigs, and a pig ball point pen. The pen has a pig on a gymnastics bar, and as you swing the pen, the pig spins around on top.

And a teaser of what is to come once the bacon starts arriving:
"We select different artisan, hand-made bacon, from around the country. Bacons are cured and smoked."

Along with the bacon, we'll get monthly tasting notes, a monthly recipie, discounts on suggested wines to pair with the bacon, and The Bacon Strip - the "members-only" comic strip.

So now we wait with baited breath for the first bacon delivery!


Jenelle said...

This post made me slightly queasy. I positively DETEST bacon. I don't even like the smell of it. I wonder how I got so fat? OH I KNOW I eat everything else :) Enjoy the club! The pig gymnast pen looks cute.

Joe Bondi said...

Baited breath indeed!

Jenelle, now I know why we never worked out as roommates...