
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Thursday, January 29, 2009


This week's lack of blogging is due totally to training.

The most boring training ever.

The kind of training that takes you out of the office for four full days.

The kind of training that you leave and think, "did I really learn anything today?"

We're getting a new database system at work, and this week we've been training on how to use it.

Only not really on how to use it. Because we aren't learning with our database information or running realistic tests to manipulate the data.

Instead, we are working with fake data on a company and following a manual that's a gazillion pages long and says things like:
1. Select the Customer tab on the order you saved in Exercise 9.
2. Clik the Taken By link to open the Employees record that is linked to your user account.
3. Write the ID of the Employees record here: ____.

Followed by a screen shot.

Four days of this, people.

Taught by a former 5th grade teacher.

That's not a joke. He really is a former 5th grade teacher. We're his first class that he's teaching on the database system, so I think he's not done learning it himself. And he treats us like 5th graders.

"Am I going to have to separate you two in the back?"

"If you're all done the exercise, why do I still here clicking on your mouses?"

Et. Cetera.

So now you understand that I ssssoooooooooo wish I were able to post more this week!

Off to our last day of training!

1 comment:

Keith said...

Sounds like a great time. Wish I could have experienced that.