
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Happy New Year! (plus 4)

Whoops! It's January 4th. I guess I've kind of missed a few days posting, huh?

Wow, how do I back-track? We had a great and low-key New Year's Eve at David and Lauren's, complete with a yummy crown roast and lots of great sides. A game of Taboo (during which David and I kicked rear, ending the "Lauren always wins Taboo" streak!), eating and eating and drinking (Newton Unfiltered Chardonnay and Newton Unfiltered Cabernet, plus a Moet white label. Just, 'cause, it's the holidays!)

Here's Goldie and Sadie getting a pork bone as their New Year's treat.

I continued my New Year's Day tradition with Jenelle, going to see a movie. Unfortunately, we also continued the tradition of seeing depressing movies. We saw The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, which wasn't depressing, but was certainly heavy. As Jenelle said when we left the theater, "If there's a Dumb and Dumber 3 next year, that's what we're going to see!"
Then down to Stafford for the Penn State game, and early to bed.

We went to Philly on the 2nd to visit Grandmom. Patricia and Samantha drove down, and Aunt Jo joined us, too. All crammed in to Grandom's room...

Oh, didn't I mention Goldie, too? The nursing home loves Goldie.
And nevermind that empty wine bottle on the table. You'd drink, too.

Dinner at Aunt Rita's with Aunt Jane, too, and some more pictures...

The excitement didn't stop with Saturday, when it was all about sports. Mike, Danny and Jason went to the Gtown/Pitt basketball game, while Melissa and I ate and drank and ate and drank at a restaurant nearby. Later that night, Mike and I went to the Caps game, where we seat-hopped in the third period to sit with Lori!
Today was all about cleaning out. The closets, the kitchen, and starting on the Christmas decorations. It's 7:46 p.m., and I'm calling it quits!
So much to do at the office tomorrow, but instead of going in, I'm driving down and back from Lynchburg, Va., to see my magazine on press. I'm a bit upset about that decision, only because I'm anxious to get to some work that's been piling up. I'll be in the car for at least six hours tomorrow, so feel free to give me a call to catch up!


Petroni said...

Too funny! I finally posted about NYE, also, and mentioned finally losing a game of Taboo. I'm kind of bitter about it. You and I as a team would have been unstoppable!!

Rita said...

I didn't realize you took pictures on Friday night. The house looks a mess!!

Maureen said...

No it doesn't! Or if it does, it's because of me! Those are all my bags behind me!