
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Bad dog

Goldie gets extra treats tonight. And I get extra wine.

I had a different post in mind to write tonight, and was still determined to write flippantly about DC parking enforcement even after having a long and stressful day work-wise. I got home after my hour and 20 minute commute, leashed up Goldie, started my audio book, and that's when the bad day got worse.

Goldie was attacked while we were walking.

She's fine.

I'm not.

I haven't stopped shaking from it, even through I am so grateful that it looked worse than it was.

A dog came tearing out of a yard as we were walking. The owner said after it all happened that he opened the front door to let in a visitor, and the dog ran out. The dog actually ran up close to us but ran past, turned around, and charged. I'm not even sure Goldie knew what was going on before the dog was just on top of her.

She was yelping and I was screaming and screaming and screaming. I'm embarrassed thinking back on it at how just helpless I was.

It was probably only 7 or 8 seconds before the owner got out and got his hands around the dog and lifted it up and off Goldie.

Ultimately, it just pulled out a few tufts of Goldie's hair, and didn't break skin. It looks a bit raw, but there's no puncture at all.

We're home now, and Goldie's decided to call it a night. I think after this glass of wine, I'll do just the same. Flippancy can return tomorrow.


Lauren said...

Oh no! Poor Goldie--and poor you. That sounds awful. I would freak out, too.

Joe Bondi said...

Goldie actually deserves a glass of wine, as well.