
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Introducing: Contagious Communications

Go ahead, check it out.

It's about 75% where I want it to be. I wrote last week about frustrations with the iWeb program I was using. It's an Apple product and so the site looked perfect on my MacBook. Then I saw the site on a PC and was horrified. I did some research and discovered this is a known issue with iWeb (oops): it offers way more fonts and colors than most PCs can pick up on, spacing gets off a bit, and heaven help you if someone is using Internet Explorer on their PC instead of Firefox or Safari.

In fact, I take that "go ahead, check it out," comment back. If you are in the Dark Ages and use Internet Explorer on a PC (seriously, why would you do that? Just change to Firefox. Trust me.), go to the top of your browser, click on "help," scroll to "About Internet Explorer," and if you do not have version 8 of Internet Explorer, I emphatically REFUSE to let you visit my website.* First, download the update to version 8, or better yet, get another browser.

There is still a lot of other work to be done on the site, but it has the basics! For the JB's of the world offering to spread my name, feel free to bookmark it.

And, feel free to be true friends and tell me if I have broccoli in my teeth. See a broken link, misspelled word, or dangling modifier? Don't hold your tongue.

*Which, yes, speaks to the limitations of the site. And the lesson was certainly learned. I went with iWeb because it can easily be hosted with Mobile Me, which I have because of my iPhone. So the hosting wasn't any extra. If I keep this up another month, I'll use Joomla or something similar and find another company to host it.


Melissa said...

Ha, at work I only have Internet Explorer 6, and we have to use for our email system. Gotta love it.

Joe Bondi said...

by the way, LOVE THE NAME!


koberlander said...

Congratulations! :) :) :)