
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My next small business idea

Forget this communications stuff. I have discovered a second, serious need that America has, and I think it will be my next small business.

The first serious need? A coffee shop in Vail that opens before 8 a.m.

The second? A breakfast place that serves something other than pastries in Atlanta open before 6:30 a.m.

Seriously, people. A huge business hotel, complete with a conference center, and the restaurant doesn't open until 6:30 a.m.? Don't you think that's a bit late?

So to reward me for my "$19 + all the service charges, etc., for eggs through room service? That's a bit extravagant. I can't charge my client for that." thought last night, I am sitting at the coffee shop in the hotel lobby, with nothing but some fruit slices in my stomach, looking forward to a really long day on my feet.

Yes, I'm cranky! Just be glad I'm typing it here instead of sitting next to you giving you a piece of my mind.

Left Vegas yesterday morning and flew here to Atlanta for a campaign rally -- that's the big project I've been working on the past two weeks. I'm a bit anxious for it, I won't lie. Also a bit sleepy. And a bit "I really wish I was still back at the Mandarin Oriental, where those house elves would have surely found me breakfast by now."

Ok, ok, I would have been lucky to pay only $19 for some eggs there, but they would have been the most delicious, most luxurious eggs I've ever eaten.

Vegas was awesome, as it generally is. Seemed awfully crowded this trip, which is why I enjoyed where we stayed. The Mandarin was specifically built not to have pass-through traffic other than guests. It doesn't have a casino, and you need to be on a mission  to get there in order to get inside -- a flight of stairs down off street level is the entrance, then you take two different elevators to get to guest floors.

But that meant it was blissfully quiet and a true escape.

I'd like to snuggle back into those bazillion count sheets right now, as a matter of fact.

More on Vegas later, I promise!

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