
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Monday, October 4, 2010

I'm, like, totally legal

So remember that post where I talked about creating a job?

And how that job was mine?

That was all well and good, but it was kinda, sorta an arbitrary statement.

Until the last 24-hours, when I both:
1. Submitted my first invoice for services


2. Applied for and was granted a "doing business as" and business license for the city of Alexandria.

I'm sorry, maybe you didn't realize. I was pausing to allow for applause. Perhaps I should say it again:

I FREAKIN' SUBMITTED AN INVOICE. People want to pay me to do stuff for them -- like, VOLUNTARILY.

And I FREAKIN' HAVE A BUSINESS LICENSE. As in, a REAL business. Go ahead. Call Alexandria City Hall. I'M ON RECORD WITH THEM.

Ok, ok, so I don't actually have payment for said invoice. But now you're just getting really picky.

I even have a business name, although I'm going to ask you to wait for it. (I am into branding, after all, and can't imagine MY OWN business brand getting away from me when it's been in existence a mere nine hours.)

I still don't know exactly where this is going, and if it's long term. In fact, I have an interview on Thursday. It may turn out that they become another client, or maybe it'll become something full time. I'm fortunate enough that I still have a little bit of time to figure this all out.

And even the teeniest bit longer because... I SUBMITTED A FREAKIN' INVOICE!


Joe Bondi said...

Could you do us a favor and tell us exactly what you do? I mean, I know-ish, like PR and stuff, but something a little more specific? I'd like to hawk you around town, if possible.


Melissa said...

Yay for business licenses! Congrats

Maureen said...

Yes! I'll post more when I finish my website and get my ducks all in a row, but essentially communication support -- writing, web layout and content, social media strategy and support, event planning, publication management...