
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


This blog post shall be one of those random posts. You know, where I have stuff to say, but not really enough to compose an entire story, with a beginning, middle, and end, some crisis or celebration or even silliness. And since I'm on a plane right now teetering between excitement and the internal debate of whether to wake the guy next to me so I can go pee, I don't think I could concentrate on a full blown post anyway.

1. Yes, I am on a PLANE! It has been MONTHS since I have been on a plane! Seriously. August 28th. That almost TWO FULL MONTHS not on a plane. I was having palpitations. I know I am one of the very, very few people who like planes. But it's not the planes per say that I like. It's that they take you somewhere. It doesn't have to be somewhere you expect to be awesome, like a vacation destination. Even if it's some tiny town USA, it's different, it's unique, it's full of possibilities and fun and new experiences, and I just love it.

2. Goldie is showing no signs of being affected by Tuesday night's attack, yet I do. I admit, I'm freaked. Still. Let's not ever have that happen again, ok?

3. On said plane, with Wifi (see!! planes are awesome!!), I am catching up on the 800 stories accumulated in my Google Reader. I am supposed to be working for myself now, setting my own rules and my own hours. So why does it feel like I don't have any time to myself?

4. It has been a really stressful week at the client site and on the project I'm working on. Nothing terrible, just lots of close-to-election-day stress that's permeating. And, I admit, while I'm there, clocking hours, I don't exactly feel good about browsing through Facebook and Twitter to stay connected.

5. On that whole self-employed thing, more big "business" milestones, like opening up a business bank account, getting checks with the business name, and submitting more invoices. So, why haven't I actually deposited anything into said business bank account yet?

6. Halloween. Are you dressing up?

7. I think the two men in the seats in front of me are falling in love with each other. Seriously, I don't think they knew each other before the plane and they have been talking nonstop.

And with that exciting post, the 30 minute warning! Whoo hoo!!!!!!!!


Melissa said...

So, where are you going? #buriedlede

Rob said...

Where are you staying in Vegas?

Maureen said...

Haha! Yes, Melis, a buried lede, but also a suspense builder!

In Vegas, just like Rob said. At the Mandarin Oriental in the City Center, and it's incredibly gorgeous. Been up for an hour playing with the touch pad that controls the lights, music, and curtains in the room, and about to head out for a jog on the Strip!

Melissa said...


Joe Bondi said...
