
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

A good day

This is going to be one of those annoying posts where maybe I should just not post at all.

It's to tell you that I had a really good day today. But not really tell you why it was such a good day.

Typical woman, right?

The morning was crazy hectic. I stayed at home today because I was focusing on one project and thought I'd really only bill a couple of hours on it because I'd spend most of my time waiting for people to return my calls.

Only, they all did. And then there were changes, so I had to call them back. It was like a nonstop phone fest.

Which was only stressful (don't get me wrong, I loved it -- I thrive in that shit) because I had a specific time I needed to stop. I had an interview this afternoon and one I was really, really excited about.

I wanted to brush up on the company, be super-careful in the makeup application, print out an updated resume (you know, one with my new biz on it and all -- oh! I also finished one page of the website last night, but hoped to do more today), leave with plenty of time to get there... you know, be me.

But I worked right up until 5 minutes after I had planned on leaving, rushed, ran out the door and winged it.

Which, I think was a good thing. At least, I think it went really, really well. In the worst case, this will turn into more consulting work. But I think it might be more.

1 comment:

Rob said...

Congrats on the interview!