
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Midnight ramble

Talk about a whirlwind few days.

I’m back. Sorry for that pouty rant this morning (and by this morning, I mean Tuesday morning... I’m fully aware this may not actually get posted until sometime on Wednesday).

Where did I leave off telling you about Vegas? Did I mention I love Vegas? I love the glitz and over the top-ness of it. I love how it’s expected -- without special request or expectation or clearance or pleading or deal-making -- that I will eat at a restaurant where something tight, and something requiring 3-inch heels, will be worn.

And, friends, if you haven’t seen that side of me, you really must come to Vegas with me sometime.

Did I mention the Mandarin Oriental? And more than the MO, the house elves at the MO? They rival Hogwarts. Unreal. They come in and out of your room without you knowing, sometimes when you’ve only been gone for minutes. You leave out shoes, they appear back 45 minutes later all shined up. You push buttons, and all sorts of lights and curtains and waterfall music appear (or disappear) out of nowhere. You dirty a towel, I swear, they come in while you aren’t even looking and replace it. It was amazing.

It makes me a bit nervous that I was too pampered for my trip in three weeks.

What? You didn’t know I was going back in three weeks? Hey, this addict got her fix and needs mmmmmmoooooooorrrrre, baby.

Actually, it’s Vi’s (hi, Vi!) bachelorette party. Combined bachelor- bachelorette party to be exact. That’ll be whole new side of Vegas for me, what with the Thunder From Down Under and all.

So, I flew from Vegas to Atlanta. (I apologize if I’m repeating myself here.) I helped organize a campaign rally today (Tuesday). Landed exhausted from the weekend and flying cross-country on Monday night, only to be hit with several un-planned for loose ends on the rally. Good to feel needed and good to be able to do what was asked of me. But not eating dinner until 9:30 p.m. and going to bed after 11 p.m. aren’t really how I roll -- especially after having woken up at 4 a.m. for my flight.

The rally went off without a hitch, thanks in no small part to my cohort in crime and beautiful friend, Kristi (love to be back working with her!).

But the most interesting part of the day (ok, the most interesting part that I’m willing to publish on the Internet) was being called and asked to come back Thursday. As in, tomorrow. Organize canvassers. NOT a glamorous job at all. Possibly not even a fun job. But a huge learning experience job. A learning campaigns from the ground-up kind of job. A we’ll pay you a nice daily fee and fly you back for your Halloween party on Saturday night then back down on Sunday job (Kristin, you don’t think I’d miss it, do you?!?!).

So, kinda cool. I fully expect to complain (probably in person, not here) about my days. But I also fully expect some really fun stories, some great new experiences, some client good will, and another deposit slip.

I land tonight (Tuesday) at DCA at midnight. I’m booked on the first flight back to Atlanta on Thursday morning. So if you’ll excuse me, I’s gots some packing to do.


P.S. Actually landed at 1:30 a.m. And shared a cab with a guy having phone sex with his girlfriend. That wasn't fun. But maybe I'll post about that on the flight to Atlanta tomorrow.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Cool, have fun canvassing!