
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Drugs -- the Serious Kind

We learned some more information yesterday, but none to change our course of action.

(Oh, good morning. I hope you're enjoying your coffee and bagel, and sorry to bring this heavy into it.)

We learned that this tumor is actually a new one. Not the same one from the summer. That still doesn't make me feel better, because it tells me she has a tendency to get these -- remove this one, when does the next one come?

We also learned that this tumor was not only in her lymph node, it had effaced it -- which, according to Wikipedia, is "near obliteration of a tissue." Basically, there is no more lymph node. It's all tumor.

To quote Jenelle, this tumor is angry.

We told the oncologist that we didn't want to do the surgery and chemo, and we just wanted to focus on quality of life at this point. He understood, but urged us to consider another option -- essentially, a do-it-at-home chemo.

The doc had told us about this drug, Palladia. He hadn't recommended it at the beginning because surgery and infusion chemo had a better chance at the longest survival, if it didn't spread, and if no new ones came up.

But if curing wasn't our goal -- because we just don't believe that is going to happen -- nor was exhausting all options overlooking quality of life decisions, then Palladia would give us the next best stop gap.

The links to the news announcement of Palladia, the first canine cancer treatment in the U.S., talk about it being a treatment that could lead to eradication. We don't have that hope. But it will hopefully shrink the tumor a little, maybe slow the progression. It could give us a couple of months, instead of a couple of weeks gone untreated.

I went in today to pick up the Palladia tablets for home treatment.

This stuff is Serious. Shit.

Not only is the Palladia itself 3 separate pills, but there is also the anti-nausea meds, anti-diarrhea meds, and still the Benadryl.

But those 3 Palladia pills? Have you ever seen those advertisements on TV that talk about how women shouldn't handle the drugs? That you need to keep them away from children and pets? These are those kind of pills.

We were actually issued gloves for giving her the pills, and to put on, in addition to the baggie, when picking up after her.

I had to wear gloves to give my puppy pills. That's Scary. Shit.

At the first sign of her have nausea (and by first sign, I mean actually puking, since she can't really tell me she feels nauseous), or diarrhea, we'll at the least decrease the dosage, and possibly stop all together.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some treats to give someone.

1 comment:

Jenelle said...

It was SO good to see you and catch up last night. I am thinking of you and Goldie. I hope she loves her new bed and her treats!