
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


Thanks, everyone, for your well-wishes and calls.

We don't know anything more, except that since we found the tumor on Friday, Goldie has been... normal.

She's totally unaffected by it, not interested in it one bit. No change in appetite (still huge), no change in energy level (still lazy), and only a slight increase in sleepiness, likely due to the 6 Benadryl she's eating each day.

The Benadryl also had the hoped-for effect of reducing the swelling around the tumor slightly. It isn't as red and bruised looking.

I leave in 30 minutes for an oncologist appointment with her. It's completely fact-finding, and we just want so many questions answered.

Unfortunately for Goldie, in preparation for the appointment, and the possible chance that they'll want to do an x-ray or scan while we're there, she wasn't supposed to eat this morning.

Now, YOU try to tell her that she doesn't get breakfast, especially when she's looking at you with those, "But I have cancer!" eyes. I may have given her a half cup (of her cup and half) when we got up at 5. She'd have over 5 hours to digest it, after all...

Wish us luck!

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