
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Viro's Wedding

Before we break from the doggie news to update you on the whirlwind week I just had, I'll give you the good news that she's doing really, really well. The chemo seems to have worked it's way out of her system, she has her and her energy back. Yay!!!

It's Sunday night, after a crazy week of Las Vegas with Aussies and the Asian Kardashian sisters (Vi's cousins), the stress of a wedding, and a beautiful bride.

I'm not even sure where to start, and I don't want to bore you with a play-by-play. The highlights really did involve the people. The Aussies (and one Kiwi!) were fantastic. So nice, and so much fun. Just up for anything.

Vi's cousin's -- whom I dubbed the Asian Kardashian sisters -- were unreal. They were so spectacularly beautiful that the bachelorette night was an experience like none I've ever had. Club promoters basically followed them around like puppies, begging them to come to this club or that club... free table service here... free drinks there... moved to a higher-visibility table at this place... it was unreal. (The icing on the cake was how incredibly nice they were, too.)

Thunder from Down Under (she was marrying an Australian, remember!) was awful. It was beyond awful. The theater was so small, and so cheap, and it was so.... ew. We actually ended up walking out early, if you can believe that at a bachelorette party!

The next day entire group was pooped (the guys hadn't gotten back from their night out until 9:30 that morning), but we gathered our strength and went on a scavenger hunt on the Strip. Mike and I created it, thinking up items all up and down Las Vegas Boulevard. We broke into 5 teams, and I won't even attempt to describe the fun that we had. Talk about a competitive group. And so many of them hadn't ever been to Vegas before, so this was definitely the way to see as much as you could in 2.5 hours.

One item on the scavenger hunt list was to find a man dressed as a woman. Here's Santa in the store window of Ted Baker in the Caesar Forum shops.

A bit of a stressful drive on Friday back to LA, because everyone hit traffic and it took longer than expected. But a quick rehearsal (seriously, the church lady much have had a hot date), a delicious dinner, and at least I was finally in bed by midnight for the first time that week.

Vi and Robin by the Rolls

Did I get done up on Saturday. I have never had as much makeup on as was applied to my face for this wedding. Fake eyelashes, people. Caked on foundation. About 75 bobby pins holding up my hair.

It was awesome.
I had to snap this to record the unbelievable amount of makeup I had on. And fake lashes! Haha! I think a monster was created!

Seriously, it surprised me how much fun it was to be so dolled up. Besides being about 50 pounds heavier than them, I fit right in with the Asian Kardashians. (They changed between the wedding and the reception. To coordinating outfits. Not kidding.)

It was about the most active wedding reception I've ever been to. A photo booth. A caption contest for a funny picture of the couple. A musical-chairs type scavenger hunt. A choreographed Bollywood dance. A serenade by the groom to the bride of a song he wrote. Who needs dinner and dancing? This was entertaining!

The Bollywood dance... from my position behind the dancers.

I tried to catch the dance from the front but only got the very end!

I can't wait to get some photos (I didn't take any! It was so hectic and crazy and so much going on the entire time, that all I have are a few photos of Vi getting her hair and makeup done). I'm hoping there will be some FB uploads, or that the photographer moves quickly to post some up. (Speaking of, the photographer was out of this world. Here are Vi and Robin's engagement pics. I CAN'T WAIT for the wedding pictures.)

1 comment:

Rob said...

I expect to see you at the Turtle with the same makeup!