
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Monday, November 29, 2010

The Tree

I decided I wanted a real Christmas tree this year.

Luckily for me (and my husband, who begrudgingly agreed I could have one), our very good friends Kristin and Robert have an annual exposition to the Wild, Wild West to secure The Perfect Tree. (Really west. Like, West Virginia-west.)

And because I have no problem inviting myself to all things Kristin and Robert, we tagged along. And brought the dog for good measure.

[Pause for dog update: the steroids are doing exactly what was expected, and they have shrunk the size of the tumor considerably. The tumor has turned a very, very angry-looking blood red/purple, but it's fairly small, especially compared to last week. The steroids, along with a high dose of pain medicine, have helped with the whole she-couldn't-sit-down thing, too. Goldie is, actually, downright jittery. She's WIDE AWAKE, which you know is not her usual state of being.]

Goldie ADORED the tree farm, as did we. She acted like she was on the hunt the entire time. I was having so much fun watching her that I didn't take any pictures of her running around. Just take my word for it.

I did snag this picture of the HUGE cows (what's with the caps today? not really sure) along the farm.

Objects in mirror are way bigger than they appear in this photo.

And Mike and Robert securing the two trees.
We thought ours was big. Then we saw their 12 foot monster. Ours looks like a dwarf!

But all lit up it's kinda nice.


Melissa said...

Are those fake presents? Please tell me they are fake presents and that you don't actually have gifts wrapped, labeled and under the tree already. PS: Tree is beautiful.

Maureen said...

They are not fake presents.


I do not have gifts wrapped, labeled and under the tree already.

My mother-in-law has gifts wrapped, labeled, transported from another city, and under the tree already.

Thanks, Barb, for the props, so my tree looks pretty!

Joe Bondi said...

Ours is from Home Depot. Not as long a drive, but not nearly as much fun. We make up for it by assisting the Conn contingent in the selection of their trees (three in total). Looks beautiful, Maureen!