
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fish fajitas

Mmmm... I do love me some fajitas.

And I really love the ones I made tonight.

I'm not sure if this photo came out well, but it's grilled tilapia (marinated in lime and orange juice, with oregano from my herb garden), home-made guacamole, grilled corn, grilled onions, and a nectarine, raw onion and rum salsa.

OMG. So good.

Mike ate the grilled fish part, but preferred his more traditional - sour cream, cheese and taco sauce.

Lots of house stuff today, and some Internet catch-up. Planned the itinerary for our upcoming Vegas trip (yup, off to Vegas again at the end of the month!). Mike's going for a CPA continuing ed conference. I'll be in Chicago for the first part of the week already, and that's half-way to Vegas!

Staying at the Belagio. Planning to see Ka, dinner at Jasmine, and Fix, both in the Belagio. Also going to revisit the restaurant at the Paris that we went to with the big group last May. (Lauren, was it Mon Ami Gabi? If you remember, I don't exactly recall much from that dinner.) Which leads me to crossing my fingers that I'll get to the wine bar at the Rio again! Keith and Debbie are joining us (hey, it's only fair! We had so much fun in June, why would I want to do Vegas without them?), so I have to convince them to head over to the wine bar with me!

Hmmm... okay, I want to go to Vegas now!


Texas Lawyer said...

Vegas sounds like a ton of fun. Bon Ami Gabi is the restaurant you are thinking about. Hopefully you will remember it this time. . .

Petroni said...

Yes, I also think it was Mon Ami Gabi. That was a fun dinner!