
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Oh Hanna!

I don't really like reality. Let's step away from it, shall we? Back to Chicago, meals out, no deadlines, no desk phone ringing, and if something's broke, well, call the front desk.

I actually started out this morning liking Tropical Storm Hanna.

Since we expected her, Mike canceled our early morning tee time, which meant I could sleep in. The sky stayed dark and the rain made a nice soundtrack that helped me sleep late. So I didn't get up until 8:30 a.m. (yes, that's late for me.)

Took Goldie out to do her business. But for this post, Goldie takes after me (see here for when she takes after Mike). She doesn't like getting wet, and she really doesn't like to do her business when she's uncomfortable - or wet.

So I take her outside, and it's downpouring. She just lowers her head, stands still (even though I'm tugging at the leash) and looks at me like I'm beating her. I walk her for about 5 minutes up and down the street and she won't even pee!

I give up and go to Curves. Then home, shower, and because I lead a glamorous life, to the garage to clean it out.

This is one of those tasks that I've been asking Mike to do for three months. But he's never wanted to (want doesn't really come into play with something like cleaning out the garage, does it?). So he says this morning, "let's clean out the garage."

Now I don't want to. But my girlfriends know I have this ongoing battle with Mike. If it's a chore like this and he finally gets himself in the mood to do it, I need to jump on that. No matter that I haven't unpacked from Chicago, no matter that I wanted to make pasta today, no matter nothing. If I said, "not today," then he considers himself completely and entirely exempt from the chore at hand. The next time I bring up cleaning out the garage, he'll say, "hey, I wanted to that one Saturday and you said no. If you want the garage cleaned out, do it yourself."

(Just so you know, I don't bash Mike entirely in this post. If you stick with me, you'll soon get to my singing his praises.)

So, we clean out the garage. In the end, I'm happy we did.

In the meantime, Hanna continues to dump rain on us. At one point, Mike notices that - even though we had our gutters cleaned out four weeks ago - the gutters are overflowing and lots of water is building up on our back porch.

His first remedy is to get a trash can to catch the water coming down. That works, but - even though it's an outdoor, 30 gallon trash can - it fills up about every 15 minutes. This is not a long-term solution.

(You can't tell it from the picture, but part of the problem is that the water is running down the fence. So here he's trying to get the water to slide away from the fence into the trash can.)

Mike goes to Home Depot and gets some contruction tarp, then proceeds to stand outside in the rain, building this "slide" for lack of a better word!

He did a great job, working on it for a while, and getting drenched the entire time. It seems to be working (keep your fingers crossed) in at least getting the water to not pool right up against the house.

So now I am patiently waiting for the rain to stop. Too late for me to now make a big dinner, and besides, Mike did all the rain diversion work, he gets to pick dinner. So we'll go out somewhere of his choosing, and I'll order a tall glass of wine. Then another one. Then another. Pretend it's my own little tasting!

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