
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

To Chicago

This is attempt #2 at this post.

I was about four paragraphs into the first one, and it was boring even to ME.

I’m writing on the plane to Chicago, so I’ll just copy and paste from this Word document when I get a chance later today. Headed to Chicago to man an info booth for work at a conference. Not the most stimulating thing in the world, but a chance to see a different city, have some good dinners, and not sit at the office!

I realize that I didn’t fill you in on a really fun Sunday. So, since nothing that exciting happened Tuesday or yet today (do you really want to hear another story about my delayed flight this morning?), I’ll back track.

Jenelle and I went to Food Matters for a wine tasting of North Eastern Italian wines in the afternoon. It was the first in a series that they are doing, and I think we’ll hit up at least several of the others in the series. $20, appetizers, and five half-glass tastings. You could get more tastes of any of the wines again at the end, too. A huge bang for your buck.

It was a little more subdued than I expected, but it was just 3 p.m. on a Sunday. Of course by the end, everyone was a bit more chatty! But it was a great chance to catch up with Jenelle, to compare an $8 bottle of Pinot Grigio next to a $20 bottle (prefer the $8 if I’m just wanting something cool and refreshing, the $20 stood up better with food), and try a new grape for me – the Pinot Bianco.

And (one of the many reasons I love Food Matters), we could walk to and from the tasting! It’s about 1.3 miles from my house, and there’s a back way so you don’t have to walk on Duke Street. Since we all know what a light-weight I am, this is a huge bonus to the wine tasting!

After the tasting, Mike and I headed to Sarah and Gregg’s apartment for dinner with them, and Joe and Jess. It was such a gorgeous day we ended up grilling outside in the apartment complex’s courtyard. The six of us hadn’t been together in a while, and we were literally jumping on each other to hear stories and ask questions.

Especially since Sarah and Gregg just bought a townhouse (yeah!). Joe and Jess each own their own place, and Mike and I have had ours for a few years. So Sarah and Gregg couldn’t have had a better audience. We were grilling them (hardy, har, har) about everything from interest rates, to carpet color, to appliance types, to the number of bedrooms, to moving plans!

Gregg even took us on an “imagination tour” (term stolen from Joe!), where he walked out the entire floor plan in the courtyard, from opening the front door, passing the kitchen, which wall they were knocking down into the dining room, down three steps to the living room… the whole place!

They expect to settle about a month before moving in, and plan a bunch of renovations. Sarah being the energy guru that she is… (I swear, I don’t care your politics. In a few years when word leaks that she’s going to be in the Administration of candidate X, vote for that candidate. Seriously. She’s going to save the world. And yet, somehow, she’s not going to make us feel guilty about screwing it up in the first place.) … they plan on being pretty “green” in the renovations.

That really excites me – as if I couldn’t shout Sarah’s praises enough, besides being extraordinarily smart, she’s just so damn practical. She’s not going to install a floor that’s “green” but also seven times as expensive as anything else. She gave the briefest of run-downs on the companies she’s going to use, and what tradeoffs she was and wasn’t willing to make in the house. Fascinating.

So after three hours of conversation, a delicious meal, and a brief interruption to examine the pork shoulder that had been smoking in two flower pots next to us for 12 hours by another resident, I had to call it a night.

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