
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Really, really sorry

I promise, I haven't fallen off the face of the earth (if you'd followed my earlier advice and signed up for Twitter, you'd at least know that. 140 characters I can do. A blog post - well, I've been busy.).

It's been a hectic week at work, diving into all the publications I work on for the start of the new year. Plus I've been trying to prepare as best I can to be out of the office for the next week and a half (I realized that when I leave here in a few minutes, I won't be back until October.). I've been trying to save stuff to my hard drive or print out to read on the plane (llllooooovveee plane working. Seriously, if work really wanted me to be productive, they'd just fly me around all day.).

A bit of a sad week, too. I've been hesitant to post about this, because I didn't want to 1. Freak out Barb and Aunt Rita or 2. Look like I was sensationalizing it.

But Barb already knows, so I only have to worry about Aunt Rita (it's all FINE, Aunt Rita, REALLY). And, well, it's kind of a big deal. I can't sensationalize it any more than the local news has.

One of my neighbors died a tragic death on Saturday. It's shook up the community, with lots of talk and sadness along our little street. The viewing was last night, and the funeral was today. I wasn't very close to the deceased, but was friendly with her and her husband, our dogs played, and she even let Goldie out recently when we couldn't get home in time. She was a wonderful woman, and is survived by a great husband. I was really glad to see how many members of the community were at the viewing and funeral this morning. We only have 33 townhouses in the neighborhood, and they were well-represented.


Okay. See? Hard to write posts this week!

Oh, we did have our gutter fixed! Good thing, since Mike and I shouldn't quit our day jobs to become water-movers. Evidently it wasn't clogging that caused it to spill out water. It was the fact that the gutter was four inches from the side of the house - so the water never actually GOT to the gutter - it just poured down the side of the house. Oops.

I've got a crazy itinerary for the next two weeks (Chicago, Vegas and Dallas), but those should mean lots more to post about. In fact, I promise - over the weekend, I'll put up my itinerary.

I know, you're shaking with excitement!


Rita said...

Ok, you can relax. I only freaked out a little bit.
Love you and miss you.

Jenelle said...

I am still really sad about your neighbor. WE ARE NEVER GOING NEAR SPRINGFIELD MALL AGAIN. Oh, I guess I will have to give up Ulta. Let me think about this for a minute. Nope. Better not go near the mall. Not even if you need cute Christmas cards that you only saw in Kmart :)

Safe travels love. Let's catch up soon!

Petroni said...

I'm so sorry. How awful!!