
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Mumbo Jumbo

I have a really funny story about Mike making dinner last night that I have yet to blog about. I will, I promise.

But this is on my mind right now.

My big mouth often gets me in trouble. I seem to have a problem with the filter between my brain and my mouth. Some people actually think this is endearing (aaawww, shucks).

One of the reasons it's on my mind right now is how it affects my work. Today, it's affected my work positively (I think).

I have a degree in Political Communications, and when I want to, I can really lay on the spin. Or I can convince someone that short really is just vertically-challenged.

Today, I just don't seem to be able to pull out the BS.

I got a call today from someone trying to sell me their product (which may be the first indicator that I'm not going to use BS on them - I just don't care). He gave me a speal about synergisticly aligning strategic partnerships among same-thinking individuals through a refined and numbers-based marketing effort.

I sat silently for two seconds and said, "I'm sorry, David, could you tell me what that means without the MBA-speak?"

He had no idea how to respond. And that was the end of that cold call.

1 comment:

Petroni said...

I love it! That biz-speak is the worst!