
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Food and friends

It's been a weekend of food and friends for me. Started with a great jog with Melissa and Danny on Friday after work, followed by dinner with them and Mike at Equinox. Dinner was incredible. I had never been to this restaurant, and subsequently learned that it was known for serving a lot of locally and organically grown food, along with a large selection of vegetarian options. Since Mike and I are carnivores, and Mike doesn't really like spice, it's great to find restaurants with vegetarian options for Melissa and Danny that aren't Indian restaurants!

Mike and I arrived just a few minutes ahead of Danny and Melissa and went to the bar to order cocktails. The bartender had a "late summer" list of house-made cocktails with lots of fun ingredients. I asked him, "which do you recommend: the blue berry fizz or the lemon basil drop?" His response?

"I made them all. They're all good."

Oh. Helpful.

(Had the lemon basil drop and it was delicious.)

The rest of the staff was much friendlier, and dinner was great.

Saturday night we met with David, Lauren, Kristin and Robert for Lauren's birthday. Drinks at Jackson 20, then dinner at Las Tapas in Old Town. Drinks and company were out of this world, but I was underwhelmed with Las Tapas. I don't mind the Tapas idea, but I do have a problem when the only things on a menu are fried. Didn't look like any of the ingredients were fresh, including the fish and chicken dishes I ordered.

Of course with that group, though, we laughed and laughed and laughed all night long. Especially when we went back to David and Lauren's for "sweet tea mojitos" made with a sweet tea vodka they bought in South Carolina, and Kristin and Robert told the story of squirrels getting into their house. I could completely envision Kristin calling Robert and telling him that living in "these conditions" was a "breach of their marriage covenant."

And finally, today. Attempting to make my pulled pork recipe out on the new charcoal grill. I have to admit, it's not exactly going as planned. It's taken a bit longer to get the smoker part of the grill to work, and it just seems to me like it's all not getting hot enough. I'm not sure if we'll ever eat this nine pound slab of meat.

Speaking of, let me go check on it. I'll keep you updated on how it's going!

1 comment:

Joe Bondi said...

Have you *eaten* at Jackson 20 yet? I've been meaning to try it out.

How did the pork come out? I remember once I was smoking Cornish hens, which, you know, are like small and stuff. Shouldn't take that long, right? Long about 10p, we were ravenous and eating birds that probably should have had another 30 minutes!