
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Note to self

Maureen, you need to blog. You have a lot to blog about. You need to update everyone on:

1. The pork. Don't forget to include that it was on the grill for 8 hours, yet still didn't get done. Could have had something to do with forgetting to open the air vents, which led the charcoal to keep going out. (but be sure to point out that you're a master saver, so you just cut it up anyway and finished it in the crock pot with homemade BBQ sauce. Yum.)

2. Your itinerary for the week, which you didn't post over the weekend as promised. You're currently in Chicago. You think. But you're really not sure.

3. Your beautiful fall flowers that you somehow (because you're quite amazing) found time to plant on Sunday, in between re-lighting the grill every hour (for 8 hours). And in between going to Home Depot, the grocery store, getting your hair cut, getting a pedicure, and folding four loads of laundry. And packing for the next week and a half.

4. How much of a dork you are because you voluntarily went to a magazine publishing conference, and are quite enjoying it, thank you very much.

5. Probably wouldn't hurt to follow up with your amazingness. Just to make sure the point got across.

Tomorrow. Tomorrow you'll post.

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