
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Saturday, October 18, 2008


We have an unexpected visitor today:

This is Murphy.

Mike had an outdoor hockey game this afternoon, and took Goldie with him. He came back with Goldie, and a friend.

Actually not a good thing - Murphy's owner, on Mike's team, took a stick to the face. He got a pretty large gash, and the teammates convinced him to go get stitches. He had also brought his dog to watch the game, so Mike volunteered to take Murphy home with him for the afternoon.

Murphy's a bit timid and frightened, but oh, so incredibly sweet. He's not sure what to make of us, but he and Goldie seem to get along just fine. They are already playing "keep away" with the bones that Goldie ignores unless another dog is in the house.

Of course, I think this story about the hurt teammate is fiction, and this afternoon visit is all part of Mike's master plan to get me to cave on getting another dog.


Jenelle said...

Oh Murphy is a handsome boy! (I am predisposed to like him because Murphy was the name of my first-ever dog). Is this Goldie's friend, or Goldie's "friend" (wink wink)?

Hope Mike's friend is all stitched up and on the mend! Sounds like a painful injury :(

Rita said...

I don't know if I would have room for 2 when you visit, but I will try if it comes to pass.