
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Vi came to visit!

She's in the states from Indonesia for about 4 weeks, and is spending a few days in D.C. now, and then again in November.

In honor of her visit with us, I cooked up a nice Sunday dinner:

Roast beef with garlicky tomatoes...
(really garlicky tomatoes), green beans and homemade bread. Apples in brown sugar, cinnamon and puff pastry for desert.

Can you see Mike's face in this photo? He regrets the day he let me get the camera. Tells me I'm too much like his mom wanting to take pictures all the time now. I try to explain to him that photos make much better blog posts, but since he doesn't read the blog, he doesn't get it.

We had some great visiting and catching up.

Made all the easier by the two bottles of wine we shared between the three of us...

In all, it was a wonderful, but exhausting day. Even Goldie thought so:

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