
"Summer" Continues

sum∙mer n. any period of growth, development, fulfillment, perfection, etc.

Read more about why The Anticipated Best Summer Ever hasn't ended.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

You know I'm not this boring

Back me up here. Give me some slack. The benefit of the doubt.

You know I'm not this boring. Case in point: here. Or here. Or this one.

I've just lost a little, well, a little of the gumption from earlier posts. Or maybe it's that I haven't been at my computer much. Could just be writer's block.

But it's a new month! Time to get back on track! Keep you in hysterics - or at least semi-entertained.

I'm back from 10 days of travel and utterly exhausted. I'd really, really like to be one of those people that doesn't need a lot of sleep. But I'm not sure that's something one can change about themselves. Believe me, I've been trying.

Mike did not burn down the house, or kill the dog while I was gone. He also did not go grocery shopping or clean up the leaves he dragged into the front hall. But, hey, you win some and you lose some.

Seriously, he has had to contend with giving the dog antibiotics for the past week. Goldie, who will do anything for food, does not want to take these pills. This morning way my first crack at it, and by this point she's had seven days to wise up to the game.

She clamped her teeth down, took the peanut butter covered pills in her lips, pushed them around to get the peanut butter, and spit the pills out on the ground. This "game" went on for about five minutes until I tried a different track and wrapped them like pigs in a blanket in cheese. I'm sure she'll have that figured out by tonight.

Goldie was also still holding a grudge against me from last night. Sure, she was happy to see me. But it was the start of the month, which means giving her her heart worm and flea and tick medicine, both of which she hates. Oh, and cleaning out her ears, which she loathes. And kicking her off the bed where she'd been happily sleeping for the past ten days.

Yeah, I'm not exactly her favorite any more.

But I'll do my best to get back on all of your good graces!

1 comment:

Petroni said...

I'm picturing her licking the peanut butter off the pill and spitting it back out! Dogs are way too smart, aren't they?